Print unused copy barcode labels

To print unused copy barcodes

Note: Catalogers can print copy barcode labels in numeric order to facilitate distribution of barcodes. To do so, in the Sort by list select Barcode.

  1. Follow the steps in the blue bar above, and then click the Unused tab.
  2. If you are a district cataloger or reporter, select a single library from the For list.
  3. If you want more than one barcode label for each copy, change the number adjacent to Print.
  4. Enter the quantity of labels needed.
  5. Enter the starting barcode number.
    You can enter your highest barcode number, or, if you would like to fill gaps in your number sequence, enter a lower number. Destiny prints only barcode numbers that are not in use; it skips any barcode numbers that are used or part of a defined vendor barcode range.

    To discover (and copy, if desired) your next available barcode number, click the symbology name in brackets.

    If the barcode number you enter is more than 7 characters, it must match the symbology that appears in brackets. If it does not, you will need to change the symbology in Site Configuration before generating the barcodes.
  6. Select the Include check box to print your library name on the label.
  7. Select your label stock and the starting label.
  8. Click Run Report.
  9. When the Report Manager opens, click View to open the label report.
  10. After positioning your label stock in the printer, use Adobe Reader's toolbar button to print the labels.

Label contents Unused labels contain the copy's scannable barcode, the eye-readable number, and, if selected, the site name.

Print order Unused labels are printed in barcode number order.