Print labels for a single copy

In Print Copy Labels, you can print a replacement label or labels for a copy or copies you are adding.

  1. Open Print Copy Labels from either of the following:
    • From the Add Copy or Edit Copy page, select the Print labels check box, and then click Save
    • From Copy Status in Circulation, click Print Labels.
  2. Select one or both check boxes for the labels you need.
  3. If you want more than one barcode label for each copy, change the number adjacent to Print barcode labels.
  4. To include additional information on a barcode label, select any of the four optional fields.
    Barcode labels always include the scannable barcode and the eye-readable number.
  5. Select your barcode label stock and the starting label.
  6. If necessary, set the Printer offsets to fine-tune the alignment of the printing on the barcode labels. The Horizontal and Vertical offsets let you adjust the left and top margins, respectively. Each increment is equal to 1/10th of a millimeter.
  7. Select your spine or spine/pocket label stock and the starting label for that.
    Depending on the label stock you choose, Destiny® prints a spine label, spine and pocket labels, or spine, circulation, and pocket labels.
  8. If necessary, set the Printer offsets to fine-tune the alignment of the printing on the spine label.
  9. Select the font size for the call number on the spine label. You can choose 10, 12, or 14 points from the Call number font size list. The font is Arial Bold. Please note that this selection applies only to the call number on the spine labels, not to the volume number or copy number, nor to pocket or circulation labels.
  10. If you want the printing to start a new line after each space in the call number, select the Start a new line at every space check box. Please note that this selection applies only to spine labels, not circulation or pocket labels.
  11. Click Run Report.
    If you are printing both barcode and spine labels, Destiny generates two reports.
  12. When the Report Manager opens, click View to open a label report.
  13. After positioning the label stock in your printer, use Adobe Reader's toolbar button or menu command to print the labels. Make sure to configure the Page Sizing and Handling options on the Print dialog of Adobe.

Label contents

Barcode labels contain the copy's scannable barcode, the eye-readable number, and any of the four optional fields:

  • Site name or District name
  • Title (up to 20 characters)
  • Author (up to 20 characters)
  • Call number (up to 30 characters)

Spine labels contain the copy's call number, any volume or issue descriptions and numbers, and any copy number included in the copy record.

Circulation and pocket labels contain the call number, author, and title.