Edit Help Ticket (Resource Manager)

On the Edit Help Ticket page, you can edit or close a Help Ticket.

Help Ticket managers can update the information in a Help Ticket, record the progress of the repair, and add notes.

To edit a Help Ticket

note: To enter or select cumulative limiters, click Customize View.

  1. Select Admin > Help Tickets.
  2. Next to the ticket you want to edit, click the edit icon.

    When you select a resource item, multiple Servicing team drop-downs appear. You can select the team and the team member from the Servicing Team lists.

    important: If you select a servicing team but not a team member, the assignment defaults to the team head. Tickets will remain Unassigned if there is no team head or the team head is removed. This means that if you select a team without a head, the ticket is still classified as Unassigned; it does not become Open or Pending. When a team is deleted, Destiny converts the Servicing Team assignment to an Individual assignment, retaining the team member as the Individual.

  3. Review the item's information. If you have optional permissions, you can click the item barcode number to view its Resource Status page, and from there, its Transaction History.
  4. To view the help ticket history, click View History.
  5. Optional Update either the Priority or Status. Updating the Status moves the ticket to the corresponding section of the queue.
  6. What do you want to do?
    If you want to…Then…
    Assign or reassign the ticket to the technician responsible for resolving the issueClick +Select.
    Assign a Completion date Select an Expected Completion date.
    Remove a technician Click Clear.
    Update Requestor InformationMake changes to the applicable information
    Add notesClick Add Note or click the icon next to the resource name. You can enter a max of 1,000 characters.
    Reopen a closed Help TicketGo to Reopen Help Ticket.
  7. Click Save.

To close a Help Ticket

  1. Select Admin tab > Help Tickets > Track sub-tab.
  2. Find resource you want to edit, and click Edit Help Ticket.
  3. Use the Status drop‐down list to select Closed.
  4. Click Save. The Resolution page opens.
  5. Continue with steps in Resolution.