Manage Item Categories

Note: In Resource Manager, you can only access the resources you have permission to view. For details, see Resource Groups.

Item Categories let you group your items for many different purposes. These include tracking vendors and funding sources, and collecting items for stocking classrooms or labs.

After creating a category and adding items to it, you can view the total number of items in the category, and sort and print a list of the items.
You can also add the category contents to a Resource List and publish or email it, or print barcode labels or a report.

The Resource Item Categories list includes all your categories. Do any of the following:

  • To sort the list, click any column heading. Click again to invert the order.
  • To view the contents of a category, click View.
  • To assign items to a category, click the plus icon.
  • To change the name of the category or restrict its viewing, click the edit icon.
  • To delete a category, click the delete icon.

Create a Category

  1. Select Catalog > Resource Search > Item Categories sub-tab.
  2. Next to Add Item Category at the top of the page, enter a unique name of up to 30 characters.
  3. If you want other users to have access to this category, deselect the Restricted checkbox.
  4. Click Save.

The item category appears in the Resource Item Categories list.

You can also create categories when adding or editing items by clicking Update next to Item Categories on the item record.

Assign Items to a Category

You can assign items to categories in any of the following ways:

  1. Select Catalog > Resource Search > Item Categories sub-tab, and then click the plus icon.
    If you already opened the category, click + to This Category.
    On the Add to Item Category page, you can add the contents of a Resource List, upload a barcode file, create a list of barcodes, or specify a date range that the items were added to your collection.
    Note: Adding the contents of a Resource List to an Item Category adds only the items at your site, not all the resources' items in the district.
  2. On the Add Item or Edit Item page, next to Item Categories, click Update.
  3. Duplicate an existing item. Destiny automatically includes any categories the duplicated item has.

Remove Items from a Category

  1. Select Catalog > Resource Search > Item Categories sub-tab.
  2. Click View next to the category.
  3. On the Search Results page, click Show More beneath the resource name.
    Note: This resource may have additional items that are not in this category. To view all the resource's items, click Details and then See all ….
  4. To remove all of this resource's items from the category, click Remove all.
    To remove a particular item, click Remove.
Note: You can delete a category to remove all the items. From the Item Categories sub-tab, click the delete icon next to the category, and then Yes on the confirmation message. Destiny first removes the category from the item records, and then deletes the category itself.

Add a Category to a Resource list

If desired, you can add a category list in a Resource List.

  1. Select Catalog > Resource Search > Item Categories sub-tab.
  2. Next to the category, click View.
  3. Verify that the correct Resource List appears next to Selected List.
  4. To add all the resources and all their items, click Add Page to List.
    To add an individual resource and all its items, click its Add to This List.

Item Category Uses

Transferring Items

In Catalog > Transfer Resources, you can transfer just the items in a category.
Item categories are site-specific. Once the destination site receives the items, they are removed from your category.

Printing Item Labels

In Reports > Resource Reports, you can print barcode labels for just the items in a category.

Using All the Resource List Functions

Because you can add the contents of an Item Category to a Resource List (and vice versa), you can take advantage of all the uses for the Lists.

These include publishing or emailing the List, transferring the items, and updating the items in Update Resources > Batch Update sub-tab.

Note: A Resource List helps you manage the resource records and includes all their items, while an Item Category contains certain items and their associated resource records.