Batch update tab (Step 2 of 2)

To create a list of items to update

  1. If you are not in the Update Resources page, follow the steps in the blue bar with white letters (above).
  2. Click the Batch Update tab.
  3. Complete Step 1 of 2. For details on Step 1, see Batch Update tab (Resource Manager).
  4. Click the green arrow. The Update Resources > Step 2 page opens.
  5. In the Select by list, choose how you want to identify the items you want to update.
  6. What did you choose?
    If you chose…Then…
    Barcode List you can either Create a barcode list or Select a Barcode file:

    To create a barcode list, in the Create a barcode list box place the cursor in the Create a barcode list box, scan the barcodes, and then click Add.

    To select a barcode file, in the Select a barcode file box, navigate to the existing barcode file, click Browse.
    Listselect Resource List with the resources you want to update. To review the contents of the List, click View List. To go back to step 1, click the green arrow.

    Important: This process cannot be reversed. Before you proceed to the next step, be sure you have a current backup of you database.

  7. Click +Update. The Job Manager page opens.
    • When your report is complete, click View.