Print Patron ID Cards

Patron ID Cards lets you print identification cards to be carried by patrons, Rolodex/rotary cards to be kept at the circulation desk, or 3" × 5" cards to be kept in a file drawer.

If you want to export the data to Microsoft Excel, see Export to Excel.

Print Patron ID Cards

  1. Select Reports > Patrons.
  2. Under Labels/Cards, click Patron ID Cards.
  3. If you are a district patrons manager, select a single school from the list.
  4. In the Select by list, select a method for identifying the patrons:
    1. To specify a range, select Name, Grade Level or one of the User Defined fields:
      • You can leave both fields blank to include all the patrons.
      • If you leave the From field blank and enter a name or number in the to field, Destiny includes all those up to and including the name in the to field.
      • If you enter a name or number in the From field and leave the to field blank, Destiny includes that name or number and all those after it.
      • If you enter the same name or number in both fields, Destiny includes only that one name or number.
    2. To select a range of homerooms, select Homeroom. Then, select the homerooms from the lists that appear, or leave one or both at Any Homeroom.
      Only homerooms that patrons are currently assigned to appear in the lists.
    3. To use a list of barcode numbers, select Barcode List. You can either browse to an existing file, or create a list here.
      • To select an existing file, click Browse to find your file.
      • To create a list, place the cursor in the Create a barcode list field, and scan the barcodes, or type them in and click Add.
      • To remove a barcode number from the list, select it, and click Remove.

    Note that Destiny does not support the use of wildcards (?, *) in ranges.

  5. To limit the patrons based on Patron Type, click Update.
    1. To select new patron types, click Clear All, and then select the checkbox(es) for the patron types you want.
      To select all patron types, click Select All.
    2. Click OK.
  6. To limit the card printing to specific groups of patrons, Active, Inactive or Restricted, deselect the appropriate checkbox(es).
  7. To limit the cards to patrons with certain graduation years, select the phrase from the list, and then enter the year in yyyy format.
  8. To limit the cards to patrons with certain card expiration dates, enter the desired range of expiration dates in mm/dd/yy format. Or, click the calendar icon to select a date.
  9. Select the format you want the patron's name to appear in:
    • Last, First Middle
    • First Middle Last
  10. Select any additional information that you want to appear on the cards: patron's picture, scannable barcode, eye-readable barcode number, and/or up to three of the 11 listed fields.
  11. Select your card stock.
  12. To start printing on other than the first card on the sheet, set Start on label to the correct position.
  13. To open or save a spreadsheet file in Excel, select Export to Excel®.
  14. When you are ready, click Run Report.
  15. When Report Manager opens, click View to open the report.
  16. After positioning the card stock in your printer, use Adobe Reader's Print option to print the actual cards.
Important: Make sure to set Page Scaling to None in Adobe's Print pop-up.

Test a Patron ID Card

If you are including scannable barcodes on the cards, print a few samples on plain paper before printing them. Then, make sure that your scanner, PHD or wireless handheld device can read the barcodes. The quality of the printout varies from printer to printer; some older printers cannot produce scanner-readable barcodes.

Also, make sure the barcode is properly located on the card. Scanners require some white space at either end of the vertical barcode lines.

If the barcode is too close to the edge, adjust the offsets and try again. When you print, Destiny saves the offset settings you used so you do not have to set them again.

Card Stock to Use

You can use any of four card stocks. Stock from other vendors may work as well. Make sure to print a test page on plain paper, and adjust the offsets as needed.

Item # Card per sheet Card size H x W in inches
Avery 5361 1 × 3 2 × 3-1/4
Avery 5385 2 × 4 2-1/4 × 4
Avery 5386 1 × 3 3 × 5
Rolodex 67620 2 × 4 2-1/4 × 4

Card Sheet Numbering

Destiny counts cards from left to right, then top to bottom.
To start printing on a card other than the first one on the sheet, set Start on label to the card number where printing should begin.

Content on Patron ID Cards

Each card includes the following information:

  • Patron's name
  • Patron's picture (if selected)
  • Scannable barcode (if selected)
  • Barcode number (if selected)
  • Up to three of the 11 listed fields (if selected)
  • School name (if you selected the Avery ID Card [5361] or the Avery Large Rotary [5386] card)

Incorrect Centering

If the printing is not centered on the cards, use the printer offsets to fine-tune the alignment. The Horizontal offset adjusts the printing from the left. The Vertical offset adjusts the top margin.

In the Printer Offset fields, enter a number between -100 and 100. Each increment is equal to 1/10th of a millimeter.

The offsets needed for each card stock vary from printer to printer. The first time you select a card stock, print a few tests on plain paper to ensure that the printing is aligned correctly.

Note: Any offsets you define for the patron ID cards are in addition to the unprintable area defined in the printer's properties.

Export to Excel

You can export content to a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (.xls) format, allowing you to use the data in the report as needed.

  1. Select the fields that meet your requirements.
  2. Click Export to Microsoft Excel.
  3. Click Run Report.
  4. When the report status is listed as Completed, click View. Microsoft Excel launches, and the report appears with the information set up in the report.