Order Textbooks (Add Shipment)

To get to the Add Shipment page: follow the steps in Shipments (Textbook Manager) / District Warehouse.

Important: Order Textbooks is available in Textbook Manager v10.5 and higher.

Shipments can contain textbooks either with (by a barcode or upload barcode file) or without bar codes (by copy count).

Important: These detailed steps that are based on a step in the Shipments (Textbook Manager) / District Warehouse help topic. You must be logged in as District Warehouse user.

To populate the Add Shipment page

  • From the Ship box, select how you want to ship the order:
    If you select…Then…
    by Barcode
    1. With valid barcodes for this order, create a barcode list, or browse to the barcode file in Select a barcode file.
    2. Click Ship it.
    by Copy Count
    1. Click Ship it.