Receive Shipments (Textbook Manager)

Important: Order Textbooks is available in Textbook Manager v10.5 and higher.

When the District Warehouse (DW) ships an order, it is received at the site that originally submitted the order. The site must receive the order.

Important: Each barcoded copy has an associated barcode. Unbarcoded copies are Copy Count. If the DW shipped barcoded copies to the site, then the Receive Barcoded Copies button appears on the Orders page.

To receive a shipment of textbooks:

  1. Select Catalog > Order Textbooks > Track sub-tab. The orders approved and shipped by the District Warehouse appear in the Shipped section.
  2. Click the View shipments icon. The View Shipments page opens.
  3. Click Show More.
  4. To receive the order, click Receive. The Receive Copies page opens. What is displayed in the Receive Copies page varies between barcoded and unbarcoded items:
    • For barcoded shipment, either scan the barcodes or receive all manually, then complete the rest of the Receive Copies page .
    • For an unbarcoded shipment, complete the Receive Copies page.
  1. When you finish the Receive Copies page, click Receive. The View Shipments page shows the copies that were received.
  2. You can either click Close or the breadcrumbs.

To view shipments, see View textbook orders.