Move resource templates

If you have added a template in the wrong location or if your organizational needs change, it is possible to promote or demote templates within the hierarchy. Remember that each template gains the fields defined by the templates above it in the hierarchy, so the ramifications of moving templates from one location to another could be significant.

To move a resource template:

  1. Select a template in the Move this Template list. If the template has subgroups, all the subgroups move with the template.
  2. Select the new location for the template in the To a position under this Template... list.
  3. Click Move and then Yes on the confirmation message. As a result, the hierarchy on the page updates so you can see the changes you made.
  4. When you are done, click Close.

note You cannot have more than 5 levels in the hierarchy.

If the Displayable Name of the template you are moving contains inherited fields that do not exist in the new location, Destiny® moves those fields with the template.

If moving the template could duplicate fields, one of the following occurs:

  • If the Data Type matches, Destiny® drops the duplicate from the template being moved in favor of the type in the branch the duplicate moves to.
  • If the Data Type does not match, Destiny prevents the move.

Destiny also stops a move if:

  • You attempt to move a template to a location similar to its current location, or if you attempt to move a template to a level under itself.
  • You attempt to move a software template under another software template, and the two templates are not assignable to the same resource types.
  • You attempt to move a template with items assigned to software licenses.
  • You attempt to move a non-software template under a software template.