Finalize Textbook Inventory

You finalize inventory when you are finished scanning all your materials.

To finalize inventory

  1. In Textbook view, select Admin > Inventory.
  2. From the Partial Textbook Inventory started on <date> list, select the inventory you want to finalize.
  3. Make selections accordingly.
  4. If you want to finalize, choose what you want to do with the unaccounted-for materials.
  5. Click Finalize. A confirmation message validates that you want to finalize this inventory. Yes changes the status of copies. In addition, the Mark lost marks all of the unaccounted-for materials with a status of lost.
  6. When the inventory is finalized at the site, click Finished.
    This allows the district to finalize it. When all the schools in the district are finished, the district will then finalize all the sites. This gives them a picture of where materials are missing and what is available.