Edit a citation for an online resource

If you need a list of the works cited for a project or research paper, you can print one from your Resource List.

When you add a website or other electronic resource to your Online Resources List, Destiny® automatically creates an MLA citation using the information retrieved from the resource.

Destiny enters as much information as it can, but it may not be as accurate or as complete as you would like. You may be able to add more information from the website.

The only required information is the title, the date you retrieved your information, and the URL.

  1. View, change, or add information to the citation, as needed.
  2. Click Save when you are finished.
  3. To print the citations, go back to your Resource List, scroll to the bottom, select Create Citation List, give it a name, and then click Go!.

Note Information about the MLA format is from
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7th ed. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2009. Print.