Troubleshoot Label Alignment

If the printing on labels is not centered, adjust the alignment of the printing relative to the labels themselves.

Following are some issues and solutions.

The alignment of the printing becomes progressively worse as it proceeds down the page

This symptom indicates that the report has been scaled down (or shrunk) before it reached the printer.

Note: On Windows® workstations, Adobe® Reader® is set to scale by default.

Disable the page handling options on the Adobe Reader Print pop-up

Important: You need to disable the page handling options on the Print pop-up of Adobe Reader.

  1. In Adobe Reader, open the label report.
  2. Select File > Print. The Print pop-up appears.
  3. Use the following table based on the version of Adobe Reader you are using:
    If you are using…Then…
    Adobe Reader v8.x and lower
    1. Set Page Scaling to None.
    2. Deselect the Auto-Rotate and Center checkbox.

    Important: If you are printing Reading Program Labels, do not deselect the Auto-rotate and Center checkbox. Also, make sure the orientation is Landscape.

    1. Deselect the Choose Paper Source by PDF page size checkbox.
    Adobe Reader v9.x and higher
    1. Set Page Sizing & Handling to Actual Size.
    2. Deselect the Choose paper source by PDF page size checkbox.
    3. To print a test the page, click OK.

Further Page Alignment Is Needed

After you have configured the Adobe Reader settings, it might be necessary to refine the alignment further. Printer offsets let you do this.

The entire page needs to be shifted up or down

Use the Vertical Printer offset to move the printing up or down.

  • Each number is equal to 1/10th of a millimeter. To see a difference, change the existing number by at least 10.
  • A smaller number shifts the printing upward. A larger number shifts the printing down.
  • Make sure the number you enter is within the allowable range for your stock.

Note: Because printers vary, there is no absolute value for the printer offsets that always works for any given label stock. It is usually necessary to print a few test pages on plain paper to gauge the results, adjusting the offsets as needed.

The entire page needs to be shifted left or right

Use the Horizontal Printer offset to move the printing left or right.

  • Each number is equal to 1/10th of a millimeter. To see a difference, change the existing number by at least 10.
  • A smaller number shifts the printing to the left. A larger number shifts the printing to the right.
  • Make sure the number you enter is within the allowable range for your stock.

Note: Because printers vary, there is no absolute value for the printer offsets that always works for any given label stock. It is usually necessary to print a few test pages on plain paper to gauge the results, adjusting the offsets each time.

The command codes are cut off at the bottom of a Patron Barcode List or Class Barcode List

If you are printing patron barcodes formatted to Use at the circulation desk and you are including the Circulation command barcodes, or you are printing a Class Barcodes list, you need to make the following changes in Adobe Reader's Print pop-up:

  • In Adobe Reader version 8, set Page Scaling to Fit to Printable Area.
  • In Adobe Reader version 6 or 7, set Page Scaling to Fit to Printer Margins.