WebPath Express

WebPath Express is a subscription service that gives your students instant access to thousands of relevant, grade-appropriate, educator-reviewed websites with one search, directly from Destiny. The service adds between 1,500 and 2,000 professionally researched websites each month. Sites are monitored continuously to ensure that content remains credible, current, appropriate and accurate.

To use WebPath Express, you first need to activate the service in Destiny and enable the appropriate permission.

Although WebPath Express can be used with Destiny without any modification, there are a few features and configuration options you may find useful, such as the ability to:

  • Choose to limit the list of websites to those appropriate for certain grade levels, and decide whether students have access to the complete list of websites for a subject.
  • Determine whether the monthly theme and the Spotlight appear on the main page of WebPath Express.
  • Determine the number of months that Destiny retains search statistics for the WebPath Express Statistics report.
  • Submit website and topic suggestions directly to WebPath Express if you have the Submit WebPath Express suggestions permission. This permission places a Submit a suggestion link in Catalog > WebPath Express and a Submit button on a WebPath Express Statistics report that includes searches without results.
  • Prevent any of your patrons from accessing WebPath Express by deselecting the Search WebPath Express permission.

By selecting Catalog > WebPath Express, your patrons can search for information on the web. Destiny also includes websites in search results for searches performed in Library Search > Basic, > Power, and > Visual andDestiny Discover®.

If search results lists are very long, patrons can apply any of several filters to narrow them.

To see a list of the topics your patrons searched for and viewed most, generate a WebPath Express Statistics report. The report can help you understand how often patrons are using WebPath Express and which subject areas are most popular.