Digital resources title details

When you select an entry in the Search Results list, the Title Details page opens. Here you can view information about the resource.

To view the resource, click View it now!.

If you want to add this title to a Resource List or save it for future reference, click Add to this List. If you have multiple Lists, make sure you have selected the right one next to Selected List. If the title is already in your Resource List, you will see In This List instead of Add to this List. Click the link to open that Resource List.

Provider and material type icons

The first symbol in front of the title is that of the Digital Resource provider.
The second image in front of the title is a material type icon. It represents the kind of material the title is, for example, a video or an audiotape.

Find more information

If available, the Explore! section contains a list of information related to the title. This list can help you find what you want or point you to other interesting resources. The list may contain these types of information:

  • Subjects covered in the digital resource
  • Other resources written by the same author
  • Other performances by the same artist or producer
  • Resources in the same series
  • A link to view this resource or
  • Links to related resources.
Publication information

The Publication Info section tells you who produced or published the resource, when, and where.

There is also a format description that includes the playing time.

Additional information

The Additional Info section lists all the additional information that is in the record.

You can view notes from the record, the mode of access, and for which ages or grade levels it is appropriate.