Assign software to resources

To assist you in managing your software resources, Update Assignments lets you assign licenses to your resource items, or assign your resource items to licenses, individually. You can then view all the assignments for a particular resource. For software, you can view the numbers of total and available licenses.

To assign a license to this resource

Before you assign a license to this resource, make sure to review the Software Assigned list on this page. It contains any licenses already assigned to this resource.

If you have the barcode number of the license

Scan the license barcode in the box, or type it in and click Find License or press Enter.

The new assignment appears in the Software Assigned list.

If you need to search for the license
  1. Enter a keyword (or part of a word followed by *) from the name of the license.
  2. To narrow your search, select the Resource Type of the license in the Assign list.
    The list includes only the Resource Types of the licenses that you can assign to this resource.
  3. If it appears—and you want to search the entire district for an available license—clear the Only my software check box.
  4. Click Find License.
  5. In the search results list that appears, click Details next to the desired software name. A list of the software licenses appears.
  6. To assign a license to this item, click the barcode number of the license.

The new assignment appears in the Software Assigned list.

To assign this license to a resource

Before you assign this license to a resource, make sure to review the Assigned to <resources> list on this page. It contains any resources that already have this license.

If you have the barcode number of the resource item

Scan the item barcode in the box, or type it in and click Find Item or press Enter.

The new assignment appears in the Assigned to <resources> list.

If you need to search for the resource
  1. Enter a keyword (or part of a word followed by *) from the name of the resource in the Assign To box.
  2. To narrow your search, select the Resource Type of the resource in the In list.
    The list includes only those Resource Types to which you can assign this license.
  3. If it appears—and you want to search the entire district for the resource—clear the Only my resources check box.
  4. Click Find Item.
  5. In the search results list that appears, click Details next to the desired resource name. A list of that resource's items appears.
  6. To assign this software to an item, click the barcode number of the item.

The new assignment appears in the Assigned to <resources> list.

To remove a license

To remove a license from a resource, click Remove adjacent to the license or the resource item.

NoteRemoving a Non-Transferable license deletes it from the resource and decrements your total license count by one.
Removing a Transferable license has no effect on your total license count.