Edit Depreciation Information

You can enter the period of time over which a resource depreciates and select the depreciation convention on the Edit Depreciation Information page. You can reach this page from the Add Template, Edit <resource> Template, or Duplicate Template page by clicking Edit in the Depreciation Information section of any template.

Depreciation Convention

Resources depreciate in value each fiscal year. However, you might not own a resource for a full fiscal year when you first acquire it, or when you retire it.

To accommodate this, Destiny® defines a Depreciation Convention to determine how much a resource depreciates at the beginning and at the end of its life.

Depreciation Convention list options:

  • Half-Year: The item's value depreciates by one half-year of the fiscal year, regardless of when in the year the item was acquired or retired.
  • Mid-Quarter: The item's value depreciates by one half-quarter for the quarter that the item was acquired or retired, plus the total amount for each additional quarter that the item is active in the collection.
  • Mid-Month: The item's value depreciates by one half-month for the month that the item was acquired or retired, plus the total amount for each additional month that the item is active in the collection.

To edit the Depreciation Information:

  1. Clear the Inherit Depreciation Information from... check box.
  2. In the Depreciable Life box that appears, enter the number of years this resource has to depreciate.
  3. From the Depreciation Convention list, select the method that should be used when this resource is acquired and retired.
  4. Click OK..